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Move On Community

Somewhere House Move on Community is custom created to allow our clients the opportunity to continue with their recovery while giving back to the community

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Sunny Days

Ice cream on the Beach

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Treatment brings rewards

At Somewhere House Addiction Treatment Centre, we offer a full range of therapies to clients. Group therapy, one to one counselling therapy as well as life skills groups, alternative therapies such as the Alexander Technique to name a few.

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Review of 14 months at Somewhere House Addiction Treatment Centre

We've had one of our clients review us today, who has been in treatment for around 14 months and his transformation has been incredible. This person arrived broken, unable to manage daily life and with deteriorating mental health. He found treatment at Somewhere House Addiction Treatment Centre difficult in the early days, was over medicated and had felt unheard for many years prior.

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Admissions to Treatment

Another new admission has arrived for treatment at Somewhere House Addiction Treatment Centre

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Old and New

Completions and Admissions

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Challenges and Acceptance

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Recent Posts

Its Friday!

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