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Endings in therapy
Today is the last day at Somewhere House for one of our addictions workers and the group have been reflecting on the concept of endings.
When we explain the importance of endings to clients we can think and talk about therapy in terms of tidying up the wardrobe of the clients mind – in order to create order, first you have to drag everything out, dump it on the floor and begin to sift through it! The longer you stay in therapy, the more thorough your organisation can be, and the more time you give to an ending, the more time you’re giving yourself to put it all back in an order that works for you. There’s no point in spending ages sorting everything into organised piles, if when it comes to putting it back you shove it all in together. Therapy is a process of taking apart everything you think, with the aim of only keeping the thoughts that are helpful to you. In giving time to a good ending you give yourself time to really see the progress you’ve made, and earn the experience of a mutually beneficial ending, without lingering regrets, sadness or anxiety.
Comments (3)
Jessica Brown
Mar 20, 2017Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudant totam rem ape riamipsa eaque quae nisi ut aliquip commodo consequat.
ReplyZerad Pawel
Mar 20, 2017Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudant, totam rem ape riamipsa eaque.
Jonathan Franco
Mar 20, 2017Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium doloremque laudant totam rem ape riamipsa eaque quae nisi ut aliquip commodo consequat.